
Thanks to the barrier-free entrance, you can drive in directly without stopping.

Your license plate is scanned in compliance with data protection regulations. The parking process starts automatically.


Choose one of the free parking spaces.

Please remember your license plate number, you do not need to take a separate parking ticket.

Barrier-free parking:
No parking ticket, only vehicle license plate required .


Please pay for your parking.

  1. at the machine with card/coins or
  2. with the EasyPark app(download link) or
  3. online via QR code

Simply enter your license plate number and pay the parking fee.


Parking process paid for?

Simply drive off - your license plate number will be read automatically when you exit and the parking process is considered complete.

Please leave the parking area within 15 minutes after payment

Do you have any questions or other concerns?

Our customer service is at your disposal:

+49 89 277 829 950 (Mon-Sun: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.)

Received a payment request?

Please contact: 089 277 829 9 51 (Mon-Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

Frequently asked questions:

How does parking without barriers work?

When entering and exiting, the vehicle's license plate is scanned in compliance with the GDPR and a time stamp is recorded. The difference represents the parking time. The legal requirements for data protection are complied with at all times.
If the maximum parking time is exceeded or the parking space is left without payment, the vehicle owner data can be requested from the Federal Motor Transport Authority in order to initiate a follow-up of the violation.

Is it legal for license plate scans to be carried out on entry and exit?

Yes, data is collected in accordance with the GDPR strictly within the scope of the purpose and justification on private property. The information on data protection is clearly visible to you at the entrances before entering the area. The recordings of the license plate are used exclusively to determine the parking duration.

Unfortunately, this image is currently not available in English

Unfortunately, this image is currently not available in English

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