Parkhausbetriebs GmbH Worms is responsible for the municipal parking garages and underground garages
Telephone: +49 62 41 8 53 - 81 11
Fax: +49 62 41 8 53 - 81 99
E-mail: prknwrmsd
in the parking garage Am Theater, Kriemhildenstraße 20, corner Bahnhofstraße
Monday to Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday from 07:30 - 18:00
Saturday closed
Managing Director:
Mr. Stephan von Borzyskowski
Phone: +49 62 41 8 53 - 82 00
Fax: +49 62 41 8 53 - 81 99
Andreas Beckerle
Telephone: +49 62 41 8 53 - 81 03