Parking conditions - long-term parkers

1. rental contract

A rental contract for a parking space for a motor vehicle is concluded upon acceptance of the parking permit / upon entering the parking garage. The tenant has no entitlement to specific parking spaces and no guarantee of a parking space. Neither security nor safekeeping are part of the contract.

2. rental price - parking period

The rental price is calculated for each occupied parking space according to the posted price list.

The vehicle can also be collected outside opening hours after payment of the parking fee. For this purpose, the scanner for entering the license plate number at the entrance door in the stairwell or side entrance must be used.

The maximum parking period is 4 weeks, unless a special agreement has been made.

After expiry of the maximum parking period, the Lessor is entitled to remove the vehicle at the Lessee's expense, provided that the Lessee has been notified in writing beforehand or has failed to do so, or if the value of the vehicle obviously does not exceed the rent due. In addition, the Rental Firm is entitled to a fee in accordance with the rental price list until the vehicle is removed.

3. License plate registration

License plate recognition is carried out by our system operator (Mobility Hub Parkservice GmbH) upon entry and exit. Upon conclusion of the contract, the Lessee shall provide the Lessor with a maximum of 3 license plates with which he wishes to use the parking garage.

Changes to a license plate number or temporary use of a rental car must be notified to the Lessor in good time, but at least 1 working day (Monday-Friday) before using the parking space.

If. If the standard parking time is exceeded, the standard rate must be paid to the Lessor. The lessee will receive a monthly invoice from the lessor.

Failure to provide a license plate number in good time constitutes a parking operation subject to the parking conditions of Mobility Hub Parkservice GmbH.

4 Liability of the Lessor

The Lessor shall be liable for all damage caused by him, his employees or agents. The Lessor's liability is limited to intent and gross negligence, unless the Lessor is liable without limitation for injury to life, limb and health. This also applies to breaches of duty by its employees or agents. Liability for indirect damage and consequential damage is excluded.

5 Liability of the tenant

The Hirer shall be liable for all damage culpably caused to the Rental Firm or third parties by himself, his employees, his agents or accompanying persons. He is also liable for culpably caused soiling of the parking garage.

6. right of lien

The Lessor is entitled to a right of retention and a statutory lien on the Lessee's vehicle due to his claims arising from the rental agreement.

If the Lessee is in arrears with the settlement of the Lessor's claims, the Lessor may realize the lien at the earliest 2 weeks after being warned to do so.

7 Conditions of use in the parking garage

The Lessee must observe the traffic signs and other regulations for use and follow the instructions of the parking garage staff. In addition, the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulations apply accordingly.

The Lessor is entitled to remove the vehicle from the parking garage in the event of urgent danger. Furthermore, he may have it moved at the expense of the tenant if he has parked it in an obstructive manner or in contravention of traffic regulations.

Only cars may be parked (no motorcycles, caravans, trailers or similar).

Parkhausbetriebs GmbH Worms

Managing Director

Special conditions apply to the Am Dom parking garage:

General Terms and Conditions of Mobility Hub Parkservice GmbH for the online booking of parking services

The following General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") apply in the version valid at the time of the respective booking exclusively for the sale of parking services via the online store of Mobility Hub Parkservice GmbH, legally represented by its managing directors Volker Brockmeyer, Alexander Röhrs, Würmtalstraße 20a, 81375 Munich, Tel.: +49 (0) 89 2778299 51, info@mh-, hereinafter referred to as "Operator".

The Operator recommends printing out or saving these GTC and the other legal and contractual texts for the documentation of the respective business transaction.

The Operator does not store the contractual texts for the respective business transaction in full.

1. scope of application, definitions of terms and contact options:

1.1 These GTC apply to all contracts that the customer concludes with the operator for the items displayed in this online store (see section 2.3).

1.2 The inclusion of the customer's own terms and conditions is hereby rejected, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing with the customer.

1.3 "Customer" within the meaning of these GTC shall be understood to mean both consumers and entrepreneurs.

1.3.1 A consumer within the meaning of Section 13 BGB is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to their commercial nor their independent professional activity.

1.3.2 An entrepreneur within the meaning of Section 14 BGB is any natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, is acting in the exercise of their commercial or independent professional activity.

1.4 Contact with the Operator can be made by post via the address Mobility Hub Parkservice GmbH, Würmtalstraße 20a, 81375 Munich, phone: +49 (0) 089 2778299 51,

2 Subject matter of the contract / booking options

2.1 The customer can book and pay for the following parking services via the online store:

Digital redemption option: In accordance with these GTC, users of the parking facility specified in the product description are given the opportunity to redeem the parking fee for an already completed parking process, as a service provided without the use of

service provided without the use of means of distance communication, for a certain period of time after leaving the parking area if the user was not in a position to pay the fee owed for the parking process at the time of the parking process or inadvertently failed to do so ("postpayment"). By selecting the parking space used by the customer and entering their license plate number in the input mask provided by the operator for this purpose, the customer can check whether they are entitled to use Postpayment. Postpayment is available for a maximum of 24 hours after leaving the parking space used, unless otherwise specified in the product description.

2.2 Contractual partners for the use of the parking area designated in the product description
In addition to these GTC, the General Parking Conditions of the parking area designated in the product description, which are visibly displayed in the area, also apply.

2.3 Articles within the meaning of these GTC are all products and services that can be booked with the operator via the online store.

3. regulations on the conclusion of the contract:

3.1 The articles presented by the operator in the online store do not constitute legally binding offers to conclude a contract, but serve as an invitation to the customer to submit a binding contractual offer (so-called invitatio ad oderendum/invitation to submit an offer).

3.2 The legally binding submission of the purchase offer by the customer takes place via the selected article by clicking on the button "Buy with obligation to pay". The customer is bound to this purchase offer for fourteen days from the date of submission of the booking. The operator is entitled to reject the customer's purchase offer until acceptance.

3.3 The contract is only concluded upon receipt of the declaration of acceptance by the operator.

Immediately after receipt of the booking by the customer, the operator will send a booking confirmation to the e-mail address provided by the customer in the online store. This booking confirmation serves both to document the booking and the fulfillment of the legal obligations by the operator in accordance with § 312i para. 1 sentence 1 no. 3 BGB, as well as the acceptance of the contract by the operator.

4. detailed description of the booking process:

In accordance with Section 312i (1) sentence 1 no. 2 BGB in conjunction with Art. 246c no. 1 EGBGB, the operator must provide the customer with the individual technical steps that lead to the conclusion of the contract.

4.1 Initiation of the booking process:
The booking process takes place by completing and sending the booking form. The customer must enter the license plate number of his vehicle on the input screen provided for this purpose and select the desired parking space. The customer is then shown the items available for the parking space. The customer can now select the desired item. If they now wish to book the selected item, they must click on "Proceed to checkout".

4.2 Selecting the payment method and completing the booking process
Finally, the customer can select the payment method in the booking process. The customer then has the opportunity to take note of the terms and conditions again and receives an overview of the items that are available for booking as well as the most important contract information, in particular the total price. Depending on the payment method selected, the customer will be redirected to the portal of the payment service provider selected.

By clicking on the "Order with obligation to pay" button, the customer can now complete the booking process by submitting a legally binding contract offer.

5 Obligations of the customer:

5.1 The customer assures to be of legal age and to provide all information required for the execution of the contract truthfully and, if necessary, to inform us immediately of any changes relevant to the contractual relationship, in particular a change of residence or name.

5.2 Bookings are generally processed and contact made by e-mail as part of an automated booking process.

The customer must therefore provide a valid e-mail address for booking processing, at which the e-mails sent by the operator can be received. In particular, it is also the customer's responsibility to ensure that access to the e-mails sent by the operator is not impaired by the use of a SPAM filter or similar technical equipment.

5.3 The customer shall not make his customer account, password or other access data available to third parties, and in particular shall not share them with third parties.

5.4 The customer is aware that he must provide the correct license plate number of his vehicle during the booking process and that the booked long-term parking ticket is only valid for this vehicle and is not transferable to other vehicles, including those of the customer.

6 Prices, terms of payment and refunds:

6.1 The prices stated in the Operator's online store are total prices (final prices), i.e. they include all price components, including statutory German VAT.

6.2 Bookings are made by the Operator for [...] against the following payment methods: Credit card, bank transfer

7. terms of delivery:

As soon as the invoice amount has been credited to the operator, the customer will receive a confirmation by e-mail after successful booking to the e-mail address provided by him in the online store or already stored in his customer data with the operator. It is not possible to send the parking services by post.

8 Liability:

8.1 The Operator shall be liable to you in all cases of contractual and non-contractual liability in the event of intent and gross negligence in accordance with the statutory provisions for damages or reimbursement of futile expenses.

8.2 In other cases, the operator shall only be liable - unless otherwise stipulated in paragraph 3 - in the event of a breach of a contractual obligation, the fulfillment of which is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on the observance of which you as a customer may regularly rely (so-called cardinal obligation), limited to compensation for foreseeable and typical damage. This limitation of liability also applies in favor of our vicarious agents. In all other cases, liability is excluded subject to the provision in paragraph 3.

8.3 The liability of the operator for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health and under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected by the above limitations and exclusions of liability.

9. copyrights:

The operator has copyrighted rights to images, films and texts on this website or a right of use to images, films and texts of third parties. Any use of these images, films and texts by third parties therefore always requires a request to the operator.

10 Place of jurisdiction, applicable law and contract language:

10.1 The contract in accordance with these GTC is subject exclusively to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

If the customer is a consumer and has his habitual residence abroad, mandatory provisions of this country remain unaffected. The contract language is German.

10.2 If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship shall be the registered office of the operator.

11 Code of Conduct:

The Operator has not subjected itself to any codes of conduct within the meaning of Art. 246c No. 5 EGBGB.

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